The logo for the idaho technology council is red and white.



The ITC programs take a multiple pronged approach.



Improve the college/career readiness of students leaving high school



Provide technology education to professionals



Improve and grow collaboration amongst technology professionals



ITC Mentorship program connects with individuals who are passionate about their work and are willing to meet with tech students and tech professionals.



The K-12 committee is focused on enhancing Idaho’s ability to prepare students with the technical skills needed in the modern world. Technical knowledge is increasingly necessary even in fields that are not often considered “tech”. Students should be prepared with a level of understanding of their digital footprint and cyber safety. The committee works with the State Board of Education and other governmental agencies to establish long term solutions including increasing the number of certified teachers.

Computer Science

A primary area of interest for the committee is pursuing a change to Idaho’s high school graduation requirements to include credits in Computer Science. This would expose students to new opportunities as well as provide a basic understanding of safety online.

Higher Education

Career ready students require a solid connection between industry and educational entities. The ITC maintains connections with all the Universities and Colleges in Idaho, connections to industry, and supports the industry lead advisory panels for education.

Alternate Pathways

The ITC believes there are multiple pathways to careers. The ITC partners with industry, education, and government to increase access and awareness of programs available. Traditional university programs are valuable, yet job roles evolve and so must the skill sets needed for them.


Provides a way for people to learn coding and other areas of technology to advance current careers or a career change.


Career changing individuals in particular, can leverage existing skills sets in new ways with additional technical training.

Spark Series Online

SPARK is a networking and education initiative that supports the tech ecosystem in Idaho through a monthly presentation series for professionals by professionals.

Contact the ITC by email today to get involved, attend, become a presenter, and learn more.

Objective #1: Subject matter experts presenting a deep dive on a cycling series of topics

Objective #2: Foster an open environment encouraging curiosity and questions

Objective #3: Encourage networking, sharing, and growth through peer engagement

The SPARK series is focused around the following areas:

  • Cyber
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • DevOps
  • IoT/Mobility
  • Cloud
  • XR/UX
  • Data
  • FinTech/eCommerce
  • Program Management

Community Growth

Women In Technology

Foster a growing percentage of women pursuing technology in Idaho and identify where and how to nurture the technology ecosystem.

Rural Development

Focused on bringing engaging presentations, networking, and support for technology build-out to rural Idaho


The DevOps movement has as many definitions as it has practitioners. The core value proposition of DevOps is maximizing the efficiency of software development and operations, reducing the time and overhead of getting usable code from a developer’s desk to a customer’s product. Each enterprise has unique challenges in optimizing this delivery pipeline, from requirements management to coordination of multiple developers, function and performance testing, creating environments, and automating deployments.

Develop.Idaho brings tech professionals from across the state together in an environment of learning and networking. This event brings something for everyone, from technical to entrepreneurs to students. Attendees can hear local and out-of-state visionaries and thought leaders speak on industry topics impacting their work and community. Highlighting the people and solutions driving our economy. Watch the events page for details.

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