Introducing Gary Stringham, Chief Paperless Pusher
Describe the business/organization you work for
For two decades, companies have attempted to get their customers to switch to paperless bills and statements. However, most studies show that 50 to 70 percent still get paper copies. Cubby Paperless has developed patented technology which delivers paperless copies via an online platform. This service helps businesses and end consumers reduce their environmental impact while improving efficiency in their businesses and lives.
What inspired you to start your own business, or why did you decide to work for this specific
I was an end consumer getting my bills and statements on paper but was nagged by
companies to go paperless. But I had also been an engineer in Hewlett-Packard's printer business and I knew the cost of paper, printing, and postage and why companies were trying so hard to get their customers to switch. I saw that today's solutions were having an opposing effect on each other, leaving one side winning at the expense of the other. Eventually I developed a solution that made it a win-win for both sides, and I started Cubby Paperless to deliver that win-win service.
What sets this business apart from others in the industry?
Businesses delivering paperless bills and statements only deliver their own, forcing end consumers to log into several company websites, many of which are cumbersome, to get their paperless copy. Cubby consolidates these documents from multiple companies and
delivers them to end consumers under one login. A few other companies have tried to provide the consolidating service but have been
forced to shutter their operations due to increasing cybersecurity requirements. Using the patented technology, Cubby acquires the documents in a more secure manner and provides them to the end consumers.
What challenges have you faced as a business owner or employee, and how did you overcome them?
Cubby has a B2C side and it has been warmly received by end consumers, most of whom
cannot wait to get their bills and statements on Cubby. However, Cubby also has a B2B side, in that companies need to sign on for Cubby. The B2B sales process of finding and talking to the right person within a company, and making a sale, is a challenge, especially for an "enginerd".
What advice would you give to someone looking to join your industry?
When starting a company, it helps to have a good handle on the market, the problem, and existing solutions. While I would not have considered myself an expert in the paper and paperless bill and statement industry in the beginning, I know a lot more now and can speak confidently on the subject. Don't be shy about looking into what appears to be a competitor or a competing solution. By understanding it in depth, you will learn more and can strengthen your own offering.
Connect with Gary on LinkedIn HERE
Check out Cubby Paperless on their website HERE
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